Minggu, 06 November 2022



Journey (Find problem, find literature)

Contoh misal kita ingin meneliti tema : CSR

lalu kita fokus ke bagian mana yang akan kita teliti dari CSR, kemudian kita melihat CSR dan trend politic, lalu kita dalami di situ.

Journey is critical thinking, Developing  in research question dengan melihat pada:

1. Society, media, paper and social media

2. Personal experience, knowledge, interest

3. Existing literature

4. Empirical material

Criteria for selection

  1. Researchable / feasible

  2. Precise/clearly defined

  3. Important/generate knowledge

  4. Theoretically grounded

Developing research area

  • Research area off topic

  • Clarify and refine the topic into one that feasible

  • Turn idea into research question and objektive

  • Select appropriate research question

  • Refine and develop, ensure you are clear of objektive

Expand (How culture influences, Rural culture, Orientalism, religion islam reformist ot traditionalist)

Capability (Feasible, Fascinate, Research skill, Available time)

Citation tinggi (500 up citation, Cek di sjgr, dimana journal tersebut terbit)

Cari debat dan kritik yang dibahas (bahasa dalam introduction)


  1. Keyword, fokus pada objek dan tema, cari keyword pada semua bagian tulisan journal jangan hanya di judul dan abstrak. fokus pada journal spesialisasimu dahulu misal administration public maka fokus di sana.

  2. Pastikan hanya jurnal-jurnal yang berkualitas saja yang dicari, jangan sembarang

  3. Lihat Citation nya apakah banyak atau tidak, lihat H-indeksnya, semakin tinggi maka semakin bagus journal tersebut dan bisa dijadikan acuan

  4. Baca Abstrak dan Conclusion

  5. Mulai dari yang 5 tahun terakhir dan kalau journal yang lama ambil yang menjadi grounded theorynya atau rujukannya atau bisa disebut Seminal Paper.

  6. Cek Journal di SCIMAGOJR, WOS, atau ABS Ranking

  7. Bisa pakai Data-Data World Bank, IMF, BPS, atau literatur Pemerintah, kampus, dan United Nations.

Before start

  • Parameter: subject area, publication date periode, geographical, literature type

  • Note directly

  • Repeat many time

  • Seminal paper find it

  • Find your journal? see their topic

  • When you dead information you will overwhelm information

Literature review

  • Understanding the subject area

  • Map intelectual territory

  • Identify suitable research

  • Find keyword

  • Policy focus your topik

Critical literature review

1. Relate to your research question

2. Identify key issue, themes, theory, methods

3. Demonstrate your knowledge of the topic and the main contribution of the paper you cite

Critical review do

1. Find conflicting empirical

2. identified weakness or limitation study

3. Further potential research

4. Distinguish between fact and opinions

5. up to date

  • Demonstrate of knowledge key, relevant academi  theory

  • Recognition seminal author and contribution key they made (not just citing them)

  • Up to date/current thinking

  • Find strength and weakness

  • Focus

  • Reference argument

  • Effective reference

  • Describe , explain, analysis, what next

After reviewing what next picks the point and expand, Remember your arguing  point when you study is important. Pose formal research questions or state a hypothesis, make sure clearly linked to your literature

Don't do it : Summarize all literature on the topics;  Don't put everything; No descriptive / lack of analysis; No reflective, just copying what the author says; No particular theme or order; Falling identify the gap

Critical read

  • Use your argument

  • Apa yg saya disampaikan penulis

  • Do you agree or not

  • Why?

  • Read the abstract, conclusion..if appropriate read all

  • Say no and find the answer then you see argument article from the author

  • Critique the rhetoric, tradition, authority and objectivity


Retorik   bagaimana meyakinkann audience

Plato said, when you want to persuade the reader, audiens use 3 ways:

  1. Ethos, Show that you are expert what you will say (menguasai banyak literature)

  2. Logos, show the logic

  3. Pathos, enact the emotion

All our argument, all critique we have, someone else had it, Maka dari cari gap nya, jika kita tidak menemukan cari teori baru yang mau dikritik, pastikan ada gap nya dan penelitian kita dapat membuktikannya. kadang kita bisa lihat secara empiris sehingga kemungkinan pasti ada gap nya atau pengembangan nanti nya pada teori tersebut. mengkritik atau mengembangkan teori tentu dilihat dari banyak aspek dan dimensi, ambil salah satu untuk dijadikan penelitian sehingga fokus. atau dapat juga mengembangkannya ke dalam konteks, waktu dan budaya.

“I have an argument and critique the same with others but I think I will have a different result, you can explore why your result is different from the theory and you can develop the theory.”


  1. Answer the research question briefly?

  2. Identified limitation and you know what research do

  3. Organizer practice literatur

  4. Discuss theory, literature and previous study

Lingkungan hanya untuk refleksi saja, cari debat thorical, jangan lihat praktik lagi

Element of The Theory

“qualitative you must discuss those theories, in quantitative you need to discuss the previous research”.

teori tidak menjelaskan  maka kau  dapat penjelasan, cari atau ganti teori yang sesuai dengan teorinya.

How do you expand the theory or find your findings in other theories or other sectors, Result of your test from hypothesis, Similar or different from previous study. Few key articles, limited maybe 5 enough, But in dissertation, you can explore?Result you must say something and discuss their findings with the previous studies.

Apakah perbedaan teori dengan teori yg ada, Why this is theory?

Concept and framework predict A lot of thing Prediction not only theory outside theory, Misal theory tidak menjelaskan empirical, maka penjelasan itu adalah empirical dan itulah kontribusi pada teori. You can explore all theory but not at all sepanjang bisa berkontribusi terhadap literatur, The most important is discussion section, apa yg didiskusikan dalam literatur tersebut

Jurnalis: just write empirical

Consultant: write, problem, solution

Researcher: write, explained, predict and why

“Kuantitatif: you test theory & Kualitatif: you explained the theory”

Supporting and contradicting other papers, from your result. They don't believe your data, so international journal data don't want your quantitative data..Indonesia problem. Preliminary data still valid like quisionare 

Ciri Penelitian

qualitative (discussion your hypotehesis with previous study, cari kelemahan dan kekurannganya lalu diskusikan, setelah menemukan hasil diskusikan kembali hasil dan theoirical framework diskusinya) pada kesimpulan komentari, yaitu dengan cara previous study comment, lalu your theorical framework, jangan hanya menulis empirical atau temuan2 di lapangan saja)

Quantitative (dari teori di buat sebuat tesis/hipotesa karena dari empirik teori tersebut kenapa tidak berjalan, buktikan penemuanmu dan uji hipotesanya dengan metdoe kuantitatif)

previous literature, theory describe it, main element theoretical in conclusion or in discuss empirical stories and theoretical stories, an empirical, previous study, and theoretical framework, for your research question?

  • Debate what topic about?

  • practice theory to discuss?

  • contrasting our findings with the previous study

  • get a new perspective, and what going on now?

  • how are we shaping new ideas in the literature?

Resume Literature

kenapa muslim masih enggan meninggalkan riba perbankan?padahal sudah sangat jelas keharamannya?

jawabnaya dapat disimpulkan dalam 3 hal prinsip yang melatarblakangi yaitu:

Habitus, capital and practice

Habit, karena sudah terlanjur menjadi habit sendangkan untuk  merubah habit memerlukan dorongan yang besar terlebih dahulu. the habitus remained static and is reinforced through preaching activities and reminders to themselves that the business they are managing is their struggle in fighting riba.

Entrepreneurs need capital, , While economic capital is important for entrepreneurship, the role of other capitals cannot be underestimated.


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